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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


configureInstance(String, Logger) - Static method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Configures the Database instance
configureInstance(DiscordConfig) - Static method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Configures variables required for discord interaction.
createChannel(String, String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Creates a discord voice channel with the provided channelName on the server with the associated serverId


Database - Class in me.therealkeyis
Manages the storage and retrieval of all data necessary for the application that is not considered configuration data
decreaseActivePlayerCount() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Decreases the active player count for the discord status
DEFAULT_DISCORD_CATEGORY - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.MinecraftPlugin
DEFAULT_DISCORD_CHANNEL - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.MinecraftPlugin
DEFAULT_DISCORD_SERVER - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.MinecraftPlugin
DEFAULT_DISCORD_TOKEN - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.MinecraftPlugin
DEFAULT_DISCORD_VOICE - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.MinecraftPlugin
DiscordBot - Class in me.therealkeyis
Singleton that handles communications to and from the discord api
DiscordConfig - Class in me.therealkeyis.models
Configuration object for the DiscordBot
DiscordConfig(FileConfiguration, Logger, Runnable) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
Automatically builds configuration based on the Plugin configuration


getAllChannelIds() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Gets all of the channelIds for the program
getCategory() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
Provides the configured default Discord voice category name
getChannelId(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Gets a channel id given a channel name
getDiscordUsername() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.UserInfo
getDiscordUsername(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Gets a user's discord username based on the provided minecraft username
getGuild(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Gets the guild id from a discord username with id
getGuildId() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.UserInfo
getGuildId(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Gets the guild information for the provided minecraft username
getInstance() - Static method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Gets the global Database instance
getInstance() - Static method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Fetches the current DiscordBot instance.
getLogger() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
The plugin logger
getMinecraftUsername() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.UserInfo
getServerId() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
Provides the configured server id
getSurroundingLocation(LocationPair) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Gets the location that surrounds the provided position
getTextChannelId() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
Provides the configured default Discord text channel ID
getToken() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
Provides the configured Discord API token
getVoiceChannelId() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
Provides the configured default Discord voice channel ID


increaseActivePlayerCount() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Increases the active player count for the discord status
IsBetween(double, double) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
Checks if the provided coordinates are inside this location
IsSurrounding(LocationPair) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
Checks if the provided location pair is inside this location
ItemName - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.VoiceArea
The stick item name


Link - Class in me.therealkeyis.mcCommands
Implements the Link command which connects a minecraft username to a discord username
Link(Logger) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.Link
Creates a new link
LocationEntry - Class in me.therealkeyis.models
A database location entry
LocationEntry(String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
Creation of entry using raw coordinates
LocationEntry(String, LocationPair, LocationPair) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
Creation of entry using two pairs of coordinates
locationName - Variable in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
The name of the voice channel for the location
LocationPair - Class in me.therealkeyis.models
A pair of coordinates
LocationPair(double, double) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationPair
Creates a location pair from the provided coordinates
LocationPair(PlayerInteractEvent) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationPair
Creates a location pair from a PlayerInteractionEvent


McToDcListener - Class in me.therealkeyis
Handles all listen interactions from the bukkit library
McToDcListener(DiscordBot, Logger) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.McToDcListener
Creates a Minecraft to Discord listener to watch for chat events
me.therealkeyis - package me.therealkeyis
me.therealkeyis.mcCommands - package me.therealkeyis.mcCommands
me.therealkeyis.models - package me.therealkeyis.models
messageDev(String, String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Sends a message to the developer on discord
migrateChannels() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
This will verify that all channels that are used by this bot will be inside of the "discord_category" named category.
MinecraftPlugin - Class in me.therealkeyis
Discord Chat Minecraft Plugin Main class that handles chat interactions
MinecraftPlugin() - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.MinecraftPlugin
movePlayer(String, String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Moves a player from one voice chat to another
movePlayerDefault(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Moves a player to the default voice channel


onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.Link
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.Request
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.VoiceArea
onDisable() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.MinecraftPlugin
Executes cleanup on server stop
onEnable() - Method in class me.therealkeyis.MinecraftPlugin
Handles initialization of the plugin Sets up defaults and configures the DiscordBot class
onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.McToDcListener
Relays player chat when the user sends a chat message
onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.McToDcListener
Increases player count in discord bot when a player joins the server
onPlayerLeave(PlayerQuitEvent) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.McToDcListener
Decreases player count in discord bot when a player leaves the server
onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.UserListener
When a player moves this event handler is called.
onPlayerUse(PlayerInteractEvent) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.UserListener
When a player uses (right /left click) an item this event handler is called.


Request - Class in me.therealkeyis.mcCommands
The /request command handler This sends a message to the developer on discord requesting a new feature or bugfix
Request() - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.Request


sendMessage(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.DiscordBot
Sends a message to the channel saved in CHAT_CHANNEL.
setCategory(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
setLog(Logger) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
setTextChannelId(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig
setVoiceChannelId(String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.models.DiscordConfig


use_count - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.VoiceArea
The name of the field use_count
UserInfo - Class in me.therealkeyis.models
UserInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.models.UserInfo
UserListener - Class in me.therealkeyis
Listens to player movements and uses player movements to coordinate discord voice channels
UserListener(Logger) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.UserListener
Creates a new UserListener


VoiceArea - Class in me.therealkeyis.mcCommands
The voice area command handler
VoiceArea(MinecraftPlugin, Logger) - Constructor for class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.VoiceArea


writeNewChannelEntry(String, String) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Writes a new Channel entry to the database
writeNewLocationEntry(LocationEntry) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Writes a new location entry to the database
writeNewUserEntry(UserInfo) - Method in class me.therealkeyis.Database
Writes a new UserInfo entry to the database


x - Variable in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationPair
The x value for the location
x1 - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.VoiceArea
The name of the x1 field
x1 - Variable in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
The x value for the first corner selected
x2 - Variable in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
The x value for the second corner selected


z - Variable in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationPair
The z value for the location
z1 - Static variable in class me.therealkeyis.mcCommands.VoiceArea
The name of the z1 field
z1 - Variable in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
The z value for the first corner selected
z2 - Variable in class me.therealkeyis.models.LocationEntry
The z value for the second corner selected
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values